Smokin' Aces - killer trailer, action, ass whooppin', weirdos, guns and dry humor... nice, can't wait!
Reno 911!: Miami - this trailer looks real funny... and not Borat! stupid funny (if you can call it that) but authentically funny. If the movie is as funny as the trailer, I'll have a lot of catching up to do watching the tv show.
The Astronaut Farmer - almost had tears at the end of this trailer. I guess it takes me back to my childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.
Transformers - 'it's prime time' baby!
300 - OMFG!!!!!!!!!
Grindhouse - a la tarantino/rodriguez style. You know what to expect.
Hott Fuzz - if you enjoyed 'Shaun of the Dead', this looks all that but w/o the zombies.
Get ready babe.. cuz we's going to the movies. ;-)