Monday, August 28, 2006

been Yelping lately...

Can't help to wonder there are some poor souls out there that want some insside scoop about G'boro. This really started when I wanted to get good reviews about Cirque du Soleil and could not find anyting and somehow stumbled upon this site. Well amigos.... Davicho to da rescue!
Yelp is a website that allows users to write and share reviews of local businesses. It also has social networking features (adding friends, groups, etc.) to share reviews with a trust network. The idea is that people generally trust their freinds’ recommendations.

So have at it - start your own and help a brotha out, Yelp your hood, I have!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your profile photo on Yelp!

Does Chawlie get to go to these places? Any pet friendly restaurants / coffee shops in GSO?